0412 737 065 | Sunshine Coast | jeff@fireinyourbellycoaching.com.au


to create unique outcomes
by smashing the fear and
taking charge of your
brave new world!

Empowerment coaching will give you definable results.
We impassion you to take personal control of your life.

Benefits of Empowerment Coaching

  • Insight, support and accountability from a 20 years unbiased professional
  • Harness fearlessness and resilience to actualise your unique outcomes
  • Empowerment coaching for focus, goals/values and time management
  • One-to-One Coaching enables personal change
    in order to achieve individual results
  • Advance your relationships: life partner, workplace and wider relationships

  • Practical spirituality for harmony and peace of mind in uncertain times
  • Promote your mental health: wellbeing, inspiration and motivation

  • Experience mindset tools and techniques for peak performance!

“My shift forward came from Personal Empowerment Coaching I sought from Jeff Allen on the Sunshine Coast. One-on-one coaching worked in a way that truly helped me lose the blocks that were keeping me from excelling to my full capacity. This has created a wave of improvement in my work, personal life and physical health. Thank you Jeff.”

Linda Austin, Proprietor Harvey Norman Computer Superstore, Sunshine Coast

5 Personal Empowerment Traits


1. Commitment

80% of your results come from the top 20% of your behaviour. That is, your actions. If you are not 100% committed you will never do all of what you are already capable of doing. This is good news because most people fail to maximise their behaviour, not through any lack of inherent capacity, but because they don’t have the certitude of conviction, utilising the final 20% of their existing capacity. Personal empowerment coaching will assist you move to being 100% committed.

2. Resilience

It is widely accepted that our inherited dna combines with conditioning from our personal environment. For most of our traits, we are not born with them; we develop them just like any muscle in the body. Resilience can be a function of mental pliancy, positivity and a sense of satisfaction in life. We can grow resilience when we destress and engage personal coping strategies. We can take on bite size challenges and add them to our bank of Self Esteem. We can look after our self. In a word, resilience is about adaptation – and we can train for this!

3. Self-care

Health isn’t everything, but everything is nothing without it! How productive are you if you have flu, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion etc.? If you want the greatest outcomes in the workplace you will need to attend to your diet, hydration, stress, sleep, mental and emotional disposition, etc. Please remember, you don’t have to be perfect, just one small change of behaviour at a time.

4. Mindfulness

Are you more productive when focused and ‘in the zone’ than when you are scattered and distracted? Mindfulness is the precursor to attaining focus and concentration. It will make you more aware of your behaviour and therefore give you more choice. Mindfulness may be described as noticing everything you are thinking, saying and doing, moment to moment. Over time you will become more aware and in control of your thoughts and in particular how they affect the people you interact with. Of course, that being the case you would only choose generative thoughts.

5. Power of Purpose

Your sense of purpose in your personal life will influence your behaviour in your career. When you have engaged inner questioning and become increasingly in touch with the real you, you will walk with ease, grace and serenity. This translates into everything you do in the workplace. And, when you unleash your full potential in the workplace this makes your personal life more balanced, meaningful and magical.

Personal empowerment coaching assists you to bridge your personal and business life by looking within and making relative, personal changes.

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Thanks, Jeff 

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